
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

My end of term

In our class  we learned about money it was fun that 100c is 1 dollar. we learned giving money, building money and  giving change.In maths we also learned division and multiplication    

In RE we learned about saints. I don't have favourite saint, I like all the saint's.  

 In Inquiry we did our solar system. we learned all the planets then we got to make the solar system but not real one. First we constructed it, then we painted 

In writing we did fairy tales, letter's and lot more. I also like writing and I can write very good. We did free writing, every body could write about anything, I wrote about a fairy tale.   

Monday, November 9, 2020

Athletics day November 10th


This my advertisement for athletics day. I enjoyed high jump. what do you like?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Mr and Mrs Lovey Dovey

Dear Mr and Mrs Lovey- Dovey

Hi how are you ? I'am  good this letter is going to you two.

Do you still work as teachers? do you you have more baby's and what will you name them.I wanted to tell you it's a bit silly to make the kid's sit for your never ending wedding.

What do you do in the break times when your two free? how did you suddenly fell in love with each other? you guys are out of the top.This question is to Mrs Dovey why do you make cloth's made out of curtains? it's crazy.

